The DataSet class problem


Fill in the bodies of the methods in the following class.  Then write a class TestDataSet with a static main method that creates

a DataSet, adds some values, and then prints out the statistics to System.out for verification.




* Calculates statistical values on a data set where each item is

* entered individually.


public class DataSet



    * Adds a value to the data set


    public void addValueToSet (double newValue)









    * Returns the sum of the values currently in the data set.


    public double getSum ()







    * Returns the average of the values currently in the data set.

    * Precondition: At least one value has been added.


    public double getAverage ()







    * Returns the maximum value of all values currently in data s et.

    * Precondition: At least one value has been added.


    public double getMaximum ()




